West Virginia University Medicine

West Virginia University Medicine
1 Medical Center Drive
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
304-293-4123 (V)

1 Position Available

Program Type: Both ERCP & EUS

Authorized Administrative Official: Matthew Krafft (email)

Program Director: Matthew R. Krafft, M.D., M.S. (email)

Duration: 1 Year

Inclusive Dates of the Program: 7/1/2026 to 6/30/2027

Program Website: www.flipsnack.com/wvumedicine/2023-advanced-center-for-endoscopy.html

Accepts applicants from outside of North America? No

Accepts applicants with J1 visas? Yes

Accepts applicants with H1B visas? No

Accepts applicants with E3 visas? No

Supervised Procedures

Faculty Involved in AEF Training Total Annual Volume Annual Volume with hands-on AEF Involvement
ERCP 3 1,132 714
Diagnostic EUS 3 686 606
Interventional EUS 3 404 72
Deep enteroscopy 3 95 26
Luminal stenting 3 146 44
ESD 3 50 6
Bariatric endoscopy 1 67 27
POEM 2 80 21
Endoscopic management of GERD and Barrett’s 3 119 51
Other (specify)
EMR, upper & lower
3 606 80

Unsupervised Trainee Activities

General GI procedures (per year) 0
Inpatient general GI service (weeks/year) 0
Inpatient advanced endoscopy service (weeks/year) Procedures only
Ambulatory clinics (per year) 0
Committed time for research (days/month) 2

Requirements for Application

  1. Standard ASGE Application Packet
    • ASGE Application
    • Post-Undergraduate Education
    • USMLE Scores
    • Certification of Completion of Residency
      1. Prior to appointment in the advanced endoscopy fellowship, fellows should have completed a three-year ACGME-accredited gastroenterology fellowship
      2. Fellows from non-ACGME-accredited programs must have completed at least three years of gastroenterology education prior to starting the fellowship
    • Personal Statement
    • Curriculum Vitae
    • 3 Letters of Reference

Additional Information about Program

The West Virginia University Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship (WVU AEF) offers ideal circumstances for training, including high procedural volume, an efficient endoscopy unit, diverse faculty mentorship, and a wide variety of pathology. The WVU advanced endoscopy fellow trains at J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital (Morgantown, WV), the 840-bed flagship hospital of the WVU Medicine Health System. Patients with advanced endoscopy procedural needs are transferred to J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital from all parts of West Virginia and surrounding states, including the 21+ member system hospitals of WVU Medicine. The advanced endoscopy fellow works with each of the 3 advanced endoscopy faculty in 3 dedicated advanced endoscopy rooms with built-in fluoroscopy. The 1-to-1 room-to-staff ratio, combined with a large referral network, results in a high-volume practice of over 1,000 ERCPs and 1,000 EUSs annually.

In addition to ERCP/EUS, the WVU advanced endoscopy fellow is trained in peroral endoscopic myotomy (i.e., Z/E/G-POEM), bariatric endoscopy (i.e., endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty [ESG], transoral outlet reduction [TORe]), and advanced polyp resection. Formal training in POEM and bariatric endoscopy is an important adjunct for the modern-day advanced endoscopy fellow, as these skillsets are increasingly sought by employers. Regarding ERCP & EUS, inpatient cases are prioritized for the advanced fellow. We believe that inpatient ERCP/EUS cases are ideal for cognitive and technical skill growth (i.e., increased opportunities for native papilla cannulation, cancer staging, and interventional EUS). The WVU advanced endoscopy fellow encounters at least 60% native papilla while training in ERCP. Many of the EUS cases involve new cancer diagnoses, given the presence of the on-site WVU Cancer Institute.

Applicants in the ASGE AEF Match have an increasing number of programs to choose among. However, the WVU AEF offers unique training conditions that differ from many existing programs. As the only true tertiary medical center in the state, WVU Medicine J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital is the near exclusive recipient of advanced endoscopy referrals from across West Virginia and neighboring states. Our large catchment area means that even rare procedures (e.g., POEM, bariatric endoscopy, altered anatomy) are regularly performed. Efficiency in the endoscopy unit allows us to keep pace with our large referral volume (i.e., 1:1 room:staff ratio). For these reasons, we believe that the WVU advanced endoscopy fellow is optimally prepared for independent practice after completion of our 1-year training program.

*For additional program reading, please see the below link for the "WVU Medicine Advanced Center for Endoscopy Annual Report"*


Please Note: All data in this program description is entered on a voluntary basis